Booklet final

Overall I am very happy with my finish final. I feel it carries the same theme from the poster so you know they are of the same subject. My design is simple as I wanted. I feel that the booklet is functional, The eye is lead in the right direction for reading. Colours again within the paragraphs work really well. I’m pleased with my final.




This is further on where I have decided on a front cover and back cover design which I shall show you closer up in the next post. At this point I have written up what’s included in the booklet, this consists of an introduction explaining the exhibition and the whole idea behind it. I was having some difficulties trying to display the text and image together, I was constantly looking at my pinterest board for inspiration.




These two print screens show the start of my development. I had the poster I created for reference so I don’t start to drift away from the style. I’m looking at just a small booklet with a front page and a back and then two pages inside. As you can see I keep with the same colours throughout, at this stage I was trying to come up with some interesting layouts using the shapes I created, also keeping in my mind where the text could go. I wanted my design to be simple like my poster, simple shapes, colours and layout.

Editorial Design

Taking the advice of Ian I thought I should gather some Research on editorial design that I think could inspire me. Ill will most probably create a board on my pinterest page that shall contain my research. I will be looking for designs that are of a similar style and ones that work really well. I shall also be looking for existing Exhibition handbooks.

If you check out my pinterest board you can see what I’m looking to produce. Following the geometric style from my poster into the handbook. My next step I will be Coming up with some ideas on how I could form this handbook. From there I can start to experiment and develop. 

Deadline/ Hand in/ Review

On the 29th of October was my deadline for this project. I had a scheduled time with my tutor Ian Massey to discuss my project. Ian was very pleased with my project and gave me an estimated grade of a B/B-. I shall discuss the marking of the project below.

Assessment Criteria 
1) Ability to understand the brief and undertake appropriate research 
– Good levels of research evident in project

2) Demonstrate the ability to generate multiple ideas and solutions for a range of communication design briefs. 
– Good levels of ideas generation evident in the project.
– Range of ideas, well structured.

3) Demonstrate exploration and critical judgment in the refinement of visual output
– Solid levels of transcription and refinement which would benefit from further investigation and development
– Good Levels of transcription and refinement evident in the project.

4) Evident of a critical understanding of the visual vocabulary needed for visual communication practice.
– Solid levels of critical understanding and visual language evident
– Good levels of critical understanding and visual language evident

Additional comments
– Ensure lecture/Seminar notes are kept in blog regularly. Aim to develop existing base of graphic language. Overall good start. 

Ian has gave me to December to carry on developing my project. He mentioned maybe make some sort of hand book that carries the design through and explains the exhibition some more.